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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

American Idol '07: 12 Angry Men

From glancing at Ken Tucker’s blog over the past several hours, Idol 2007 has officially begun. I enjoy Ken’s writings and musings as the night goes on, from the East Coast perspective(there is a link to his page on the right--)…onto the West coast version….

I made mention of how interesting it is that the majority of the Top 12 guys are all over 22, with one at 17 in my podcast from earlier today…we’ll see shortly if maturity has anything to do with nerves as far as this evenings performances go. The mix of music tonight seems like Contestants choice from Ken’s blog…we’re in for a long evening of 90 second songs, “Intros to These 12”, and Seacrest saying “After the break” about….oh….16….remember two of these guys are headed home on Wednesday, but we’ll get to that a bit later…a few minutes to go….

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