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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sanjaya Safe and a Sligh Goodbye

I don't know what it is with this guy. He's like one of those clown punching balloons, he just keeps coming back...again not in the bottom three. However Chris Sligh did deserve to be in the bottom three, and headed home tonight.
Gwen Stefani did an awesome performance of "The Sweet Escape", although I don't think Akon added much to the performance, aside from yelling at the crowd.
Next week should be great. A night of Classic Standards with Tony Bennett. Check out the podcast on Paula Abdul from last week if you haven't had the chance, you'll get a laugh from her 'Bedroom Choreography", and what she thinks of Simon's outfits.
A new podcast is up about the ramifications of Chris leaving, plus THE American Standard
next week!

Enjoy the rest of the week, and we'll have a podcast preview of Tony Bennett Monday...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gwen Stefani Night: Lots of Colors, Stilettos and a Tragic Episode with a Dunk in Bathwater

Gwen Stefani night on Idol and a lot of great tunes tonight. The Police, The Cure, and some No Doubt for flavor. Sanjaya was in need of some Bathwater for his hair tonight, and Haley looked great in that black dress, but vocally didn't hit the mark. Lakisha is back, but Melinda is still at the top of her game. Blake was smooth with the Cure but Chris Sligh needed to take a breath before performing tonight. He didn't sound good at all, and missed his mark tonight. Bottom three this week. Haley, Chris Sligh, and Sanjaya. Who's headed home, check out the podcast early tomorrow.

Gwen Stefani Top 10(5-1)

Phil, "Every Breath You Take", not a bad rendition, again the echoes are driving me nuts. Solid vocal tonight, definitely no LeAnne Rimes this week, liked the close. Judges: Randy, solid performance, didn't push it, Paula, good choice, real good performance, Simon, thought that was very good, great choice of song. Melinda up next. Gwen said she would say good luck, but she didn't think Melinda needed it that much...What a compliment!
Melinda, "Heaven Knows", great start, the dress fits the song, solid vocal, amazing stage presence, knockout! Judges: Randy, sing with feeling, you are living the words, the bomb again, Paula, you have charisma from the word go, it's fun, and you do it, Simon, vocally outstanding, hate the outfit....thank you Simon...Blake and Jordin next, which means that Chris Richardson closes the show....
Blake, "Love Song", not bad, he's staying within the dynamic of the song. Good performance from him. Judges: Randy, wasn't jumping up and down but I liked it, Paula, taking risks, being original, Simon, strongest guy in the competitions. Jordin up next
Jordin, "Hey Baby", not a bad start, good stage presence, it appears to be boot night on Idol, took her about 3/4 of the song to show some vocal range with the song. Judges: Randy, was a very risky thing to do, that was brilliant. Paula, your adorable, Simon, most improved contestant the last few weeks, more confident...Chris Richardson to close the show with more No Doubt...
Chris Richardson, "Don't Speak", start was good, his vocal is okay, the band rendition was different, liked the R&B feel. Judges: Randy, liked it, Paula, Chris good, Simon, better choice of song, not crazy about the vocal, struggled in the middle.
Back with the recap of the night in a few....solid night of performances tonight....

Gwen Stefani: Top 10(10-6)

Gwen Stefani tonight, here we go..Lakisha up first with some Donna Summer, "Last Dance", well she has the voice, a good start for the night. I even like the dress, it matches the song. It seems like a safe week for Lakisha, a great vocal for a great song, but no notes that are blowing me away. She played it safe. Judges: Randy, did that like a diva, Paula, did Donna Summer proud, Simon, love the boots, now she's thirty years younger this week, nice to see her doing an uptempo song, great vocal. The "Rockers", Chris Sligh and Gina up next.
Chris Sligh with some Police, "Every Little Thing She Does", rough start for Chris, made it sound okay though, not sure I love the 'mic echo' on him. Seemed a tad karoke to me and his vocal was not on tonight. Judges: Randy, couldn't get into tempo, Paula, staying in the pocket becomes an eyesore, didn't feel the bit, Simon, I thought it was a mess, it was all over the place, didn't feel right. Hopefully for Chris there will be a WORSE performance tonight from another contestant. Gina up next.
Gina, "I'll Stand By You", good start for her, she looks great, nice job slowing it down this week, she's singing with some emotion tonight too, unlike last week when she was screaming with emotion. Nice close. Judges: Randy, one of her best performances ever, Paula, improving each week, great song choice, best performance so far, Simon, wasn't one of her best performances, was her BEST performance. It's all about knowing who you are, and the right song choice. Chalk and cheese....at any rate...up next, Sanjaya.
Sanjaya is nervous in front of Gwen, singing some "Bathwater", Sanjaya, hey man, the VO5 people will be thrilled, liked the hair! Vocal start was a little rough, he then started bobbing his head and the vocal got better(I think)...I don't get it. Judges: Randy, hairdo is interesting, you can sing you just need to put it out there, Paula, didn't do it, Simon, I presume there was no mirror in your dressing room tonight, doesn't matter what we say anymore, your in your own universe and if people like you, good luck. Haley up next.
Haley, "True Colors", good start, any girl looks good in a black dress, sounds much sweeter this week, she has incredible stage presence this week, more than last week. Nice little ride at the end vocally..Wow...Judges: Randy, was alright for him. Paula, one of those songs, requires nothing but singing the melody, didn't stay younger, Simon, it was sweet but forgettable, nothing to remember, too safe. Phil and Melinda next...

Gwen Stefani Tonight!

Gwen Stefani has been announced as the vocal coach for this evening, more in the podcast on my thoughts about tonight. 10 Performances tonight, and we'll be here to handicap along with the show, then Gwen performs The Sweet Escape tomorrow night with Akon before the results!
Back this evening with the rundown.

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